Picture series are sets of pictures that belong together thematically and formally, e.g. because they are part of a closed collection or belong to a collector’s album.
Master of the Playing Cards, 1425-40 (Max Geisberg 1905)
Allen & Ginter, Cigarette cards, Mammals, 12 cards, 1888
Allen & Ginter, Cigarette cards, 22 cards, Tropical Birds, 1889
John Player & Sons Cigarette cards, Animals of the World, 50 cards, 1901-02
John Player & Sons Cigarette cards, Animals of the World, 50 cards, 1931
Ludwig Zukowsky: Aus Wald und Flur. Tiere unserer Heimat, Reemtsma Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, Hamburg 1938
National Wildlife Federation: Wildlife Conservation Stamp Album, 76 stamps, 1938-39
Edgar Windt and Werner Schicke, in: Peter Kuhlemann, Wilde Tiere fremder Länder, Herba Sammelalbum, 1956
Walter Söllner, in: Franz Pfützenreiter, Tierwelt der Heimat, Herba Sammelalbum, 1960
Panini Animals, 180 species, 1970